May 05, 2010

Another Day...

It seems like so long ago when I first set up my blog! Well, here I go again, this time I will have success! Let me catch you all up on what has been happening in the last two years...

I am in love with the most amazing man. He is funny, handsome, charming, and has a heart of gold. We have been dating for over 3 years now, and our life together gets better every day.

I have been transforming our house into a home, and it has been so much fun. Room by room, I have added a little touch of comfort, and it is truly a pleasure to come home at night to rest and relax.

I re-enrolled in college at Saint Leo University, a small private Catholic college in a little tiny town called San Antonio, Florida. It is a beautiful campus and a quaint town. I especially love the drive-through back country winding roads, surrounded by fields of hay, wildflowers, and orange groves, and often covered by a canopy of old mossy oak trees. It is truly a pleasure to be there, even when the course work demand so much.

It has been a full and busy few years! I have made many memories and learned many things...most of which are easy to recall fondly with a smile.
Here's to the next few years of adventure and excitement!


Lindsay said...

I love that you are starting up again. You have a gift with words & I look forward to reading your posts!!! Love you!!!!! 2 more months & we see each other excited!!!!

Momofgirls said...

More pictures more pictures more pictures!!!!
Love you and COME VISIT THIS SUMMER!! xoxoxoxox