May 25, 2010

Blueberry Bounty!

I mini-posted the other day about my adventures in the blueberry fields. It was a great success. I had a great time! Some of the trees were tall and some were just starting out. Some of the berries were tiny and sweet, but then I discovered the trees along the property line and they were loaded with big, plump berries...and 'friends' with many birds, spiders, dragonflies and grasshoppers.

I picked for just about an hour and brought home over 6 pounds of berries! I have a list of goodies to make from my little blue treasures, and as the treats are made, I will post pictures and recipes. Until then, our berries are hanging out in the freezer, waiting for their special time!

May 18, 2010

Just finished blueberry picking. It was so fun! Lots of berries, not quite as many pictures, but a full update is on the way!

May 08, 2010

The other day was super fun... I could hardly wait to tell you all about it, but I did. Now that the pictures are downloaded, here's the scoop:
I am taking summer classes to accelerate my degree program, and to alleviate the stress that is inevitable as the program progresses. It is kind of a bummer to 'give up' two nights a week during the summer, but it is so worth it in the long run. I have a best good friend, April, that carpools with me, so that makes our drive and class time more enjoyable than drab.
(That was the background story)
Well, Thursday was her 20th birthday. Being the Betty Crocker wannabe that I am, I wanted to make cupcakes for her to celebrate. She loves chocolate, so I made brownie-cake cupcakes and frosted them with homemade Italian buttercream frosting flavored with coffee and Nutella. Oh.My.Wowzers. As if that wasn't good enough, I topped them with Heath brickles and little chocolate jimmies.
SO DELISH, and not to mention cute!

I decided to use these super cute Mary Engelbright cupcake boxes for traveling, but I only had two, and I needed three. Again, the crafty genius that I am, I traced and drew a template on a piece of poster board from the boxes I already had. I laminated and cut it out to use as my master pattern.

I then used another piece of poster board on which I traced and cut to construct my own third box! This one was kind of plain, since I am on a college budget, and I wanted to test it out before I got too fancy, but think of the possibilities! Different colored poster boards, elaborately decorated poster boards, even using cutouts and transparency film for the tops, just like the M.E. ones. I am totally excited! And proud!
When I delivered the cupcakes in their cute little boxes to the birthday girl, she was thrilled! So excited that she almost didn't want to share the cupcakes with the others in our college class. (I don't blame her!) She did break down and bring them in at the halfway point in the night, and everyone raved about the fantastic cupcakes. She even had enough to take and share with her favorites at home.
It was a fun day, from start to finish!

If anyone wants a template and instructions for making your own cupcake box, Let me know! I am willing to share...

May 05, 2010

Another Day...

It seems like so long ago when I first set up my blog! Well, here I go again, this time I will have success! Let me catch you all up on what has been happening in the last two years...

I am in love with the most amazing man. He is funny, handsome, charming, and has a heart of gold. We have been dating for over 3 years now, and our life together gets better every day.

I have been transforming our house into a home, and it has been so much fun. Room by room, I have added a little touch of comfort, and it is truly a pleasure to come home at night to rest and relax.

I re-enrolled in college at Saint Leo University, a small private Catholic college in a little tiny town called San Antonio, Florida. It is a beautiful campus and a quaint town. I especially love the drive-through back country winding roads, surrounded by fields of hay, wildflowers, and orange groves, and often covered by a canopy of old mossy oak trees. It is truly a pleasure to be there, even when the course work demand so much.

It has been a full and busy few years! I have made many memories and learned many things...most of which are easy to recall fondly with a smile.
Here's to the next few years of adventure and excitement!